Področje: Programi
Vprašanje: Xdosemu + šumniki
Datum: 31.10.2002
Xdosemu + šumniki
V direktoriju Xfonts naj bo vga.pcf s slovenskimi fonti
gzip *.pcf
v fonts.dir popravi yuc... v vga
How to install pcf fonts in X
There are a few nice .pcf fonts on my downloads page. Here's how to install them:
1. Move the font to /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc
2. As root, cd to this directory and type: mkfontdir
3. Then type: xset fp rehash
4. Then, if you run xfs, type: /etc/init.d/xfs restart
5. That should do you. The font should be usable right away. Type xlsfonts to check

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